There's always something going on at Salute Gymnastics:
If you love working with kids, then we have an opportunity to be a part of Salute Gymnastics. Salute Gymnastics, in Atlantic, IA is looking for a part-time coach or a couple coaches to work with recreational kids. Hours would be 8-12 hours Monday-Thursday. Hours may vary and are very flexible. If you are interested in becoming a part of our staff.
If you are a parent of a current gymnasts, we can work with you to cover cost of classes if you would like to coach a few hours a week during the fall.
Contact Teresa Middents if interested.
There are two buttons on the right side column to try our new online registration. This is a new feature, so please be patient with us as we all navagate it together. Once you are registered with us online, you will be able to go to the Parent Portal to check schedules, check balances, etc.
Coming Soon:
Open Gym - No Open Gyms for February
Open Gym is offered to any to come check out the facility, work on skills or just have a good time on the gymnastics equipment. Open Gyms are offered at least twice a month, with the possibility of more at times. Times are 10:00am - 11:00am, unless a noted time change.
*Cost is $5 for Salute Members and $8 for Non-Members
Each month, Salute Gymnastics puts out a monthly newsletter to keep you current with what is going on at the gym.